Peter St Onge, Ph.D

Peter St Onge, Ph.D


About Peter


Peter St Onge, Ph.D

Since I was a kid I’ve loved using economics to figure out how the world works, but my first career was in corporate marketing, which really disappointed my mother.

On the side I gambled on dot-coms, retiring at 25 to a remote Thai island. One day I speedboated in for provisions, walked into an internet cafe, and discovered I’d lost all my money in the crash. So I bartended in Japan, then returned to marketing at a Japanese multinational, then went back for the PhD in economics and became an MBA professor in decidedly un-woke Taiwan. Where I failed to buy enough Bitcoin to retire again.

Nowadays I’m an economist at Heritage and I make daily videos on economics and freedom, basically what I used to teach but fewer hung-over grad students.

Speaking Inquiries

For Speaking Inquires, contact Robert Abrams at Big Idea Speakers Bureau, Inc. (844) 244-4433

Dr. Peter St Onge — @ProfStOnge online — is being talked about everywhere because he is many things: A dynamic keynote speaker par excellence, a former MBA professor and PhD economist, a Fortune-500 corporate marketer in Mexico, Brazil, and Japan, a nightclub manager, and…an ex-bartender.

His corporate experience includes some of the biggest companies in the world in both consumer goods and large-scale infrastructure manufacturing. Learn more…

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